Art History 101: Western Art from the Ancient Greeks to the Present (Sept. 9-Dec. 16, Jan. 13-May 12)

  • Instructor Dr. Thomas Milton Kemnitz
  • Code ART01-24/25
  • Student Ages 12–18
  • Terms Fall Semester 2024
    Spring Semester 2025
    Full Year
  • Day Monday
  • Time 7:00 P.M.


The intent of this course is to give students a familiarity with the great artists and artistic traditions that are a central part of our cultural heritage. The primary focus will be graphic art and aesthetic fashions, but sculpture, architecture, pottery, metal work, furniture, and other products of human creativity will be considered when they help to explicate the graphic tradition. The focus will be on the great artists of each period and movement, with special attention to the transcendent geniuses such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and Picasso.

Class Meetings: Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Fall Semester: September 9 – December 16, 2024
Spring Semester:
January 13 – May 12, 2025

Student Expectations: Students will be expected to engage in discussions of various works of art and to produce a paper or project each semester.

Student Support: The instructor is available via email.

Feedback/Assessment: The instructor will provide continuous feedback on any class assignments, as well as a written response to papers and projects.

Materials/Supplies: TBD. There will be a text for the course, and students will read a number of chapters from Vasari’s Lives of the Artists in the first semester.


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