Xperiment: Guidebook

By Sharon Kaye, Ph.D.

Order Code: 6988

The Xperiment guidebook, for both instructors and the students themselves, explores several of the most important and influential political theories ever written, which are reflected in the story about X and his schoolmates as they struggle to understand justice. It also provides a summary of the plot developments for each chapter, a philosophical basis for the key concepts in the chapters, discussion questions, and more. It is an essential component to this creative and innovative philosophy curriculum.


Xperiment explores the question What is justice? Justice has always been controversial among philosophers because it is the glue that holds society together. Society needs leaders and laws. But what justifies one person telling other people what to do? This is a vivid question for children dealing with bullies, teachers, and parents, as well as for adults who vote in political elections. The guidebook explores several of the most important and influential political theories ever written, which are reflected in the story about X and his schoolmates.

The guidebook is the manual for implementing Xperiment, but it is called a “Guidebook” instead of a “Teacher Manual” in recognition of the fact that the material within its pages may be of interest to the children themselves, especially if they are motivated to delve more deeply into the content. It provides a summary of the plot developments for each chapter, a philosophical basis for the key concepts in the chapters, discussion questions, and web links to videos for further exploration of the content.


Western Philosophy Curriculum
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Parents & Other Caregivers, Teachers & Schools
3, 4, 5, 6
Western Philosophy
Order Code