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Writing combines everything that the students have learned about grammar and vocabulary and puts it into use. The program begins at the basics of what makes a good sentence and builds from there, on to what makes a good paragraph and then a good essay, giving students a strong foundation for writing the kinds of academic essays that they will need as they progress through their education.

The books at the upper levels, in the Advanced Academic Writing series, are heavily illustrated with actual research papers and Michael’s grading comments. These books show students what advanced papers actually look like. When students can see what is expected and what to avoid, they have a far better chance of succeeding.

“This is a rigorous classical writing program that will prepare motivated students to excel in advanced high school and college courses. Our writing instruction must be of sufficient substance and of sufficiently high standards to have a profound and permanent impact on how students write academic papers.”

– Michael Clay Thompson

Once students can write correctly, they can learn how to finesse their writing with poetic techniques and an ear for what language sounds like so that, rather than simply writing correctly, they write beautifully. This kind of writing will be essential to them as they proceed through their schooling and on through professional life. But it all starts with writing practice.

Level 1: The Island Level

Level 2: The Town Level

Level 3: The Voyage Level

Level 4: The Classic Literature Level

Level 5: The Lens I Level

Level 6: The Lens II Level

Level 7: The Lens III Level

A Resource for Grading Academic Writing!

This book contains a downloadable archive of Michael’s comments from forty-plus years of grading student papers, as well as explanations of the comments, teaching and grading tips, and more!

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