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Advanced Academic Writing II: Student Book
An Illustrated Program
Class set order code: 7895S
This is the writing book in Level 6 of the MCT language arts curriculum.
Volume II of Advanced Academic Writing extends from Volume I with more elaborate MLA formatting rules to learn, more competent essay continuity to forge, more proofreaders’ marks to understand, and forty more actual research paper comments to absorb. Like Volume I, there are four assignments, this time requiring students to write longer, more complex papers than those required for the previous volume. And like Volume I, this book is illustrated with plenty of examples of the kinds of papers that the students are expected to write, complete with proofreaders’ marks to correct errors.
Volume II also contains the summaries of punctuation, usage, and grammar rules of Volume I for review, with additional items and special comments so that students are continuing to build their knowledge of what makes a good academic essay.
NOTE: This is the third edition of this book, updated to adhere to the current MLA standards and to include an expanded section on citing and referencing electronic sources of information. We strongly recommend against using older editions of this book.
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