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Another Honor for the MCT Language Arts Curriculum
The readers of Practical Homeschooling magazine have voted Michael Clay Thompson’s language arts curriculum the best for online instruction in 2019.
The MCT curriculum is taught in many online classes from many different sources. The luckiest children are those who are instructed by Michael Clay Thompson himself in the Royal Fireworks Online Learning Community. The students, as well as their parents, express their astonishment and delight with how much their writing improves during the course of the year. Week by week, year by year, Michael makes the children ever more mindful of each detail of their writing as they master all facets of language arts and thoroughly enjoy the literature that is part of each year. The children not only are proud of their increasing awareness and ability but also are empowered by their command of grammar, vocabulary, writing, and poetic techniques.
Part of the fun of these courses is the ways in which Michael goes beyond the texts in offering images, background, and interchanges that enhance the students’ understanding and emotional attachment to the material. These online courses truly are formative experiences for the children who have the opportunity to take them.
We congratulate Michael for yet another award for his curriculum!