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Ditch the traditional textbook for these creative alternatives!

When we think about the books we’ve treasured in life, how many people fondly recall a textbook? Other than a funny doodle we found in the margins, there isn’t typically much worth remembering. A gripping mystery, a favorite graphic novel, or a picture book from childhood, however, can be recalled for years to come in much greater detail. So why not make textbooks more like the books we love?

Well, we did.

We offer hundreds of books that pack the intellectual punch of a textbook while being as fun to read as a favorite book. With everything from picture books about Western philosophy to fascinating biographies that teach math concepts, you’re sure to find a book that will get your child learning in a whole new way.

Picture Books

The Poodle Books (grammar and poetics)
The Awesum Alex Books (addition, subtraction, multiplication)
Question Mark (Western philosophy; one in a series)
The Day the Thought Bubbles Got in the Way (Eastern philosophy; one in a series)
The Caecilia et Verus Books (beginning Latin; dyslexia-friendly versions available)

Graphic Novels

Casus Fabulae Romanae I (beginning Latin)
Who Are You Times Two (Eastern philosophy)

Books to Curl Up With: Biographies, Mysteries, Fiction, and More!

Mathematical Lives Series (mathematician biographies and math concepts)
Mathematical Nights Series (math fiction; dyslexia-friendly versions available)
Adventures on the American Frontier (American history series, nonfiction; dyslexia-friendly versions available)
Western Philosophy Novels (philosophy through fiction)
The Circle of Happiness (Eastern philosophy)
Language-Illustrated Novels from MCT (great classics annotated by Michael Clay Thompson)

These books are not just fun and educational; they have regularly won awards for their creativity and content. Click here to view our complete catalog and to enhance the enjoyment of your child’s learning!

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